Sunday, June 12, 2011

Summer Fun!

I have definitely loved my summer break! I have been enjoying my extra sleeping time and playing with my mom and husband! My mom is making a cute quilt for her spare bedroom and I have been making a Shutterfly scrapbook for my first year of teaching. We have stayed pretty busy. Derek and I have been able to spend some time with family and with each other. We wanted to share some of the fun things going on here!

Memorial Day: We had a great memorial day with the Steiner family in Rexburg. They took us to the Warbirds Cafe in Driggs and then to Jackson Hole. That night we went to the Bar J Wranglers dinner and show. We loved it! We played games with Derek’s brothers and had a delicious BBQ before we left. We are so grateful for John and Judy and all they do thefor us. We love them!

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Dirty Dash: A few months ago Derek’s cousin BJ and his wife Jana asked us if we wanted to do a 5K dirty dash with them. It sounded adventurous so we said yes. Tyler and Cassie also signed up so on June 4 we all ran through 3 miles of mud! It was a lot harder than I thought it would be. I am not a big runner but I figured I could do 3 miles. But these were no flat easy 3 miles. The first little while was a run through mud uphill. Then we ran for a while on dirt but occasionally had to jump over huge hay bales. Next was more mud and huge walls to climb over. By the end of the first mile we were exhausted and covered in mud. Most of the first half was uphill and really tough but lots of fun. Also included in the dirty obstacle course was a line of tires to jump through, tunnels to climb through, nets to crawl under, hills to climb up, mud and more mud, and to top it off there was a huge bouncy slide to end with! It was one of the greatest things we have ever done. It was hard but it was a blast! The worst part was the freezing water to shower off with before you leave. They provide hot showers for $3 but we thought we would just get the cold shower for free. Not smart! It was the coldest water I have ever felt!! I froze but it was such a fun experience!

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Hiking: Derek and I want to do more things outdoors now that it is nice outside. So yesterday we drove up through Draper until we found a trail. We packed our water and sun screen and started walking. We ended up hiking for about 3 hours and found a fun trail. Derek is a great hiking buddy! We had a lot of fun!

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  1. Oh sooooooooo fun. It is gonna be a great summa.

  2. Hey! I only just learned about the dirty dash from a family/friend member.

    Are you guys in the You Tube video too??

  3. Looks like a fun start to your summer! :)

  4. Sounds like it's going to be a GREAT summer! Way to go on the Dirty Dash sounds like it was a blast!

  5. I'm an official blog stalker now! Derek told me you posted pictures on your I hunted until I found it. :) CUTE!!! I love the pics! & I'm so glad you had that waterproof camera! Thanks!

  6. HAHAHA I love the dirty dash. That is seriously AWESOME! You guys have had such a fun summer!
