Monday, June 6, 2011

Schools Out for Summer!

Summer break!! It was so nice to wake up this morning at 8:30 and not have to get up! I truly can’t believe that the year is over – it went by so fast. It was a crazy year but such a wonderful experience. Being a full time teacher was very challenging but it was my childhood dream job! When I was in first grade I had Mrs. Scorsby as a teacher. She was such an amazing teacher. She loved us, made school fun, and really influenced our lives for good. I loved school but I was falling more and more behind and she was really concerned. She started to observe me and try to figure out what was going on. My desk was in the back of the classroom and she noticed that I was squinting to see the board. She then met with my parents and suggested that they check my eyes. A few weeks later I came to school with little pink glasses that I couldn’t keep on my nose! I started to improve and have done well in school ever since. She didn’t just label me as a slow kid but she really tried to help. I don’t remember all the things that she taught me but I do remember how she made me feel. Ever since I was in Mrs. Scorsby’s first grade class I have wanted to become a teacher. I wanted to help kids like she helped me. She was such a great teacher and great example to me.

Well this year was my first year as a teacher. I taught second grade at Silver Crest Elementary and loved it. As I look back now, I am so grateful that I had this experience. I know that I am no Mrs. Scorsby and it will take years of experience to become even half the teacher that she was but I really loved my students. The first year of teaching is always hard and was one of the hardest things I have ever done. This group of kids were very challenging. They loved to talk and couldn’t sit still. However, Although this group of kids were very talkative they are the sweetest group of kids you will ever meet. They came ready to hug me every day and at the end of the day I got “I love you”s and “Can I come home with you”s. I loved these kids so much. There were lots of hard days and tears flowed freely at times. But there were great memories and a year full of fun times. Looking back I can see how far we have all come. My students learned a lot but I think I learned more. I learned patience, kindness, and love. I learned to stop and listen to kids because the things they have to say are important- and usually really funny!! Children are so close to God and they have special little spirits. I am definitely glad that it’s summer but I am so glad that it happened!

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  1. I sure wish my kids had had a teacher like you! You are so awesome. How blessed those little ones were to have you. Enjoy your summer with your hubby! Here's to another year.

    P.S. I could totally relate to your glasses story. The same thing happened to me in grade 5. Although my teacher only made fun of me and made put them on up in front of the class. ; ( So I just think your Ms. Scorsby rocks!

  2. I'll bet your are going to say you were their favorite teacher just like Mrs.Scorsby was for you! You're the best Mae! I can't believe it's been a year of you teaching?!

